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Welcome to the "Embracing Neurodiversity" guide, created with one goal: acceptance, not just awareness.

Autism, ADHD, and hidden disabilities aren’t rare—they’re just rarely understood. And we need to fix that. Whether you're a parent, teacher, or someone who simply interacts with people (so... everyone), understanding neurodiversity isn’t optional. This guide is for those who care about creating a world where neurodivergent people aren’t just accommodated, but embraced.


At Happimess, we don’t see autism or ADHD as quirks to be “managed.” These traits are part of the vibrant diversity that makes people who they are. It’s time to stop pretending we’re all cut from the same mold. Society needs to catch up and start celebrating the unique ways neurodivergent brains work. We’ll talk about autism a lot here—because it matters—but we’re also touching on ADHD and hidden disabilities. They’re out there, whether you see them or not.


So, let’s be real. You don’t get a pass for not understanding autistic traits if you’re a teacher, a parent, or part of any community. We all need to do better. This guide will push you to question your assumptions, rethink “normal,” and most importantly, help you create spaces where neurodivergent people can thrive. We’ve got work to do, and it starts with you.

​HD Sunflower


Invisible Disabilities and how to help


Neurodivergent Narwhals


Inclusion, Autism, and Universal Design



Two sides of the spectrum

A twice-monthly podcast where we explore research, amplify autistic voices, and change the way we think about autism in life and in professional therapy practice.

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